Terms and Conditions. Thank you for your booking.
We look forward to having you here and hope you enjoy your stay with us! Please read through the accommodation terms and conditions below.
Dormitory Accommodation
1.1 Check-in can be no earlier than 12pm the day of your stay or earlier by arrangement.
1.2 Check-out can be no later than 10am, or later by arrangement
1.3 Breakfast will be served at 8.30am promptly
1.4 No food or alcohol is to be consumed inside the dormitory
1.5 If your behaviour or the behaviour of any member(s) of your Group is deemed to be unacceptable or causes damage, your Booking may be terminated and you may be asked to leave Lyde Court
1.6 In the unlikely event of damage, this may be chargeable to the responsible individual or to the named person on the booking
1.7 Cancellations – Any cancellation is subject to a £10 cancellation fee per person booked in. No refund can be given for cancellations less than 7 days before your stay
1.8 Lyde court cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to any guest’s possessions. Your belongings are brought in at your own risk. This includes your vehicles and all belongings within it
1.9 Please respect the privacy of others. Your bed is your space, their bed is their space
1.10 No Smoking inside any buildings at Lyde Court
Bridal Suite and Double Room within Lyde Court
2.1 Check-in can be no earlier than 12pm the day of your stay, unless by special arrangement
2.2 Check-out can be no later than 11am or later by arrangement
2.3 Breakfast will be served at 8.30am promptly
2.4 Please take care if consuming food or alcohol within these rooms
2.5 In the unlikely event of damage, this may be chargeable to the responsible individual or to the named person on the booking
2.6 Cancellations are subject to a charge
2.7 Lyde court cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to any guest’s possessions. Your belongings are brought in at your own risk. This includes your vehicles and all belongings within it
2.8 No Smoking inside any buildings at Lyde Court